But certainly a big part of this journey is to get in better shape. Whether that means a lower number on the scale or just a tighter, more toned physique, one of my goals is to LOOK better.
I thought about just saving all my “Before” images and measurements until the end of the Whole30 and posting them together with my “Afters” at the end of all this, but I like the idea of being totally transparent from the beginning – letting you in on ALL the details from the get go. If you are going to come along with me on this journey from the starting line to the finish line – then I’m going to let you come along for EVERY. Single. Step. – including this (not so comfortable, kind of painful) one.
Here are my Before Shots (the first are in gym clothes because you can SEE everything, but let’s be REAL… I want to look good in my everyday clothes… like my jeans – so my last photos are in my favorite jeans (which I am hoping will be too big by the end of this) because I think it’s important to see the before/after difference in my “normal” clothes.
And no, I don’t plan on cutting, coloring or majorly restyling my hair or getting super tan or taking my “after” shots in a better lit area with more make-up on… so what you see is the real thing – no “TV commercial “after shots”. (Just wanted you to know that upfront).
Okay. No more delaying. Here. we. go. (Deep. Deep. Breath.)
Gym clothes. (At present time, spandex is not. my. friend…. unless I am trying to do some before/after shots for a diet I am doing.) (And really, then it’s still not a friend, just a helpful enemy).
Jeans & a white camisole (because the camisole shows what I need to see for comparisons sake).
Measurements (all in inches):
Thigh: 23.5
Lower Waist (where my jeans actually sit): 39.75
Hips: 42.25
Arm: 11
High Waist (the narrowest part): 32.5
Weight: 178 lbs
And since the Whole30 claims that other health problems can possibly resolve through the diet change here is also a list of things that I have been struggling with that are unrelated to my weight that I will address again during my “after” post(s).
Acne/Uneven skin tone
Tight muscles (especially back and neck)
Lower back pain/Hip pain and cramps or numbness in right leg
“Irregular” (you know what I mean)
Fuzzy brain/memory struggles
HATE waking up – and never feel well rested – Always feels like I JUST went to sleep.
Not a deep sleeper and sometimes takes long to fall asleep.
I get tired during the day (like want to take a nap kind of tired).
Not a lot of energy (would like to be able to keep up with my kids and still have energy left for me to workout, or do something more than sit on the couch after they are in bed).
(There may be more, but I at this point I have not thought of them – I can always come back and update this list if I think of more).
I’m looking forward to seeing what the “After” is going to look like. I’m looking forward to never looking back.
Let’s get this thing started! See you on the other side!