Friday, March 15, 2013

Day 15–Half way through my Whole30

I made it to the half way mark in my Whole30. I honestly didn’t think I would make it to the other end of my first week before I started. But I was willing to try.

Now, I am not willing to fail. It’s just not an option.

Now, I am already planning what will happen next…after Day 30. How I will make sure that this life change is just that: a LIFE change, not a 30 day one.

Today felt good, because it was day 15 and that means the half-way mark. Because today is my birthday – I am 29. Because in February when I read “It Starts with Food” I decided I HAD to do a Whole30 and I showed my commitment to doing it whole-heartedly by asking to do it the month of my BIRTHDAY – voluntarily giving up any hope of Birthday cakes, cupcakes, treats, etc. I wanted this to be the BEGINNING OF AN ERA, not the end.

This may be the last year of my twenties, but I am now convinced that it is actually the first year of the rest of my life.

And I intend to make everyday count and to make everyday work at giving me the greatest chance of a long and healthy life (God-willing).

So Day 15 is a big deal for me.

It was also a BUSY day. I didn’t have lunches pre-done for the busyness that ended up swallowing us whole, but I still managed to get creative, think outside the box and pull together a healthy, Whole30 lunch.

I also tried a new recipe for dinner, more on that in a future post.

And although the Whole30 strongly recommends NOT having any “dessert-type” food, I decided that it is my birthday, and provided I follow the Whole30 rules I can indulge in something “sweet” so I made a Birthday Colada (pineapple juice with coconut milk).

So that was my day. A very happy birthday indeed!

Day 15 Menu:

Breakfast: Turkey Sausage crumble with left-over asparagus

Lunch: (Like I mentioned earlier it got WAY busier today than I planned for – so as we rolled into the garage at the same time lunch is meant to be on the table I knew I would need to get creative and figure out a way to pull off a QUICK but Whole30 acceptable lunch. I thought OUTSIDE the box and followed one of the tips that the book gives: Don’t think of each meal as Breakfast, lunch, dinner because it will limit what you put on your plate – just think of them as Meals 1, 2 and 3 and follow the template of protein, veggies, good fat.) Sooo… for lunch I had breakfast - Turkey sausage crumble, scrambled eggs, left-over asparagus and tomatoes with salt and red wine vinegar.

Cauliflower Crust and My birthday 047

Dinner: Whole30 Pizza (recipe post coming soon) – Cauliflower crust, turkey sausage, tomatoes, green peppers, kalamata olives, mushrooms, basil, Italian seasonings and a drizzle of olive oil and sea salt.

15 days down…15 to go! Woo. Hoo.

1 comment:

  1. Happy, happy birthday!!!! So sorry that I missed it! With you not being on FB, I'm out of the loop! Congrats on your progress! You're doing great and should be very proud! Especially considering you stuck to your plan even on your BIRTHDAY! Wow, now that's self control!
